Rob Resendez

Software development and other musings

Rob Resendez

Software Engineering Professional


Senior Engineer III

Jan 2007 - Current

Full-stack range of responsibilities as an architect covering libraries, components, features, applications, UX/UI, APIs, databases, security, auditing, observability, ci/cd pipelines and connective tissue.

Mentor developers, conduct code reviews and engage in pair-programming / workshops. Provide consulting and guidance for emerging initiatives and challenges. Conduct interviews. Write technical documentation. Meet and work closely with third-party vendors and integrators


Realtime Quality Measures

Nov 2022 - Current
  • Improve outcomes for patients and experiences for users by providing actionable, real-time metrics on treatment goals and quality-of-care
  • Support industry-standard Clinical Quality Measures as well as custom measures via CQL.

Communication Center

Feb 2020 - Jan 2022
  • Set of components and features focusing on faxing, mailbox, and instant-messaging
  • "Dog-fooding" of Micro-Architecture strategy that was concurrently being developed

Micro-Architecture R&D

Jan 2020 - Current
  • Established and pioneered patterns for "MicroService" and "MicroFrontend" architecture
  • Created design-system tokens and components which serve as building-blocks for features. Assist other teams and team members with their own features and integrations
  • Developed various "MicroFrontend" "features", or "mini apps" in the form of web-components intended for re-use in any framework or dom environment
  • Promoted and utilized modern web standards, techniques and technologies such as: Lit (element, html), TypeScript, Context Protocol, Scoped Custom Element Registries, OpenAPI
  • Contributed to service ecosystem, which includes authz/authn, service-meshing, SignalR, Kafka

EHR Web Framework

Jan 2018 - Dec 2019
  • Web application which interfaces legacy service-tier, protocol, and markup-language to eliminate "proprietary web browser" which previously hosted and rendered our entire product catalog
  • Enable transition from proprietary framework lock-in and incremental replacement of legacy workflows and components with modern web-based alternatives


Apr 2017 - Current
  • FHIR API resource server
  • Enhanced AuthZ/AuthN infrastructure to support supplemental workflows specified by SMART.
  • Certified product via ONC's Health IT Certification Program
    • Documentation website, as required for listing on the Certified Health IT Products List (CHPL)

Most modern and emerging features in our ecosystem depend on this infrastructure. Additionally, third-party products such as Apple Healthkit can be built on these standards-based protocols and services. (Press release)

Authorization Server and API Gateway

Mar 2017 - Current
  • AuthZ/AuthN infrastructure using OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect standards.
  • API gateway to facilitate secure ingress to resource servers
  • Administrative webapp to manage clients, scopes, grant-types, keys; to revoke access and refresh tokens; and, to allow client-initiated registration to request API access
  • WebApp which supports fulfillment of the "authorization endpoint" user-agent redirects
  • In 2022, moved this infrastructure from VM hosting to GKE
    • Observability: health, metrics and telemetry
    • Redis introduced as a distributed cache, replacing guava
    • Configuration was re-implemented as ConfigMaps created via helm / sprig templates

Patient Portal

Aug 2014 - Feb 2017
  • Web application enabling patients to access medical records, communicate with healthcare providers, pay bills, upload/download documents, and more
  • Full stack: frontend, REST API, security, auditing, deployment
  • Product was via ONC's Health IT Certification Program

Clinical Quality Measures

Apr 2013 - Apr 2014
  • Evaluate graph of patient data in accordance with Clinical Quality Measures specifications to determine whether patient falls into a given population
  • Package data into detailed and aggregated documents as mandated by the CDA-based QRDA Category I and Category III specifications.
  • Product certified by ONC's Health IT Certification Program

Application R&D

Jan 2009 - Dec 2019

Worked on team responsible high-priority "skunk works" efforts. Here are some examples:

  • Transitioned COBOL lock-in by migrating data out of proprietary COBOL files and into a RDBMS while still allowing decades of COBOL programs to function as-is
  • Data-access library for java: ORM, CRUD, Typesafe-SQL-building
  • MVVM-patterned java framework for application development
  • Propreitary markup language and component library rendered by a thin client (a proprietary web browser)
  • Ad-Hoc reporting framework
  • XML-to-XSL:FO for creation of large, complex PDFs
  • Ease access to complex relational data via views
  • Rule-based security engine and policy enforcement
  • Change-data-capture event stream (Debezium-esque before Debezium)
  • Auditing infrastructure and reporting